SAY IT LOUD - Tennessee Exhibitor
Tennessee Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Whenever I see something beautiful created out of a multitude of ordinary elements, I feel inspired and challenged to rethink design. No matter the scale, architecture should have a level of craft, creating value out of the mundane.
Sophorn Kuoy Olsen
The Great architect, Sophorn Olsen is an architect with LRK in Memphis, Tennessee with over 10 years of experience in office and retail design. Through LRK, Sophorn has worked on several transformative projects as an architect, interior designer, and environmental graphic designer. Her approach to design considers cultural context and environmental and social impact.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
When my parents built our family home, I became fascinated with seeing drawings come to life. I started looking through architecture magazines and sketching designs of my own dream home. Though rudimentary, it sparked an aspiration to learn more.
What do you do?
I design buildings and spaces that go beyond meeting the client expectation. Our design team helps our clients see potential cultural and environmental impact in the investment they are making and how to best make that impact positive.
What excites you in the work you do?
The power of architecture in being an agent of change, in creative, moving ways, gives me goose bumps.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Whenever I see something beautiful created out of a multitude of ordinary elements, I feel inspired and challenged to rethink design. No matter the scale, architecture should have a level of craft, creating value out of the mundane.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Completing the extensive ARE and licensing process feels like the biggest accomplishment. As a minority woman, I felt pride in finally introducing myself as an architect.
Featured Project Name:
Orion Federal Credit Union Headquarters
Featured Project Location:
Memphis, TN
Featured Project Completion Date:
May 2019
Role in Featured Project:
Architect, Interior Designer, and Environmental Graphic Designer (Signage and mural design)
Featured Project Description:
The project helped re-energize the transformation of the Edge District by repurposing the abandoned Wonder Bread factory into a vibrant new headquarters. The office environment encourages collaboration and allows for transparency and a connection to the city. The exterior facade was reconstructed with bricks salvaged from buildings that were part of the existing factory complex. The existing neon sign treasured by many Memphians was fully restored and illuminates the downtown skyline again.
Photography Credit:
Exterior Image - Chad Mellon; Interiors - McGinn Photography