Action 01:
Dismantling Injustice
9 Publications
Monthly Impressions
Representation matters and media publications have neglected our stories, our contributions, and in some cases erased our existence. With this call for action, we are looking to have media outlets including, digital print, and broadcast to sign a Memorandum of Understanding committing to:
Reporting the percentage of diverse designers, they feature in the publication annually, continued tracking to increase the result by 5% annually until 15% is achieved, and publish the results for accountability.
Pledge to create more content that specifically lists these diverse designers as great or comparable language to how they describe the value and caliber of the other featured people / work in their publication.
Include researching and development of historical content based on diverse designer’s contributions to the built environment.
Pledge to create content about the black experiences to help educate on how architecture is used as a tool to facilitate oppression.
BBE Community we have identified industry publications with a large subscription base and reach. Since launching the Dismantling Injustice SAY IT WITH-ME(dia) initiative we've engaged them to elevate women and BIPOC designers' stories, contributions, voices, and identities. To date, we have successfully received commitments from 9 publications with 6,353,000+ monthly subscriptions, to pledge to our SAY IT WITH ME(dia) call for action.
Our goal is to reach 500,000 monthly subscriptions by Juneteenth 2022 and because of House Beautiful's commitment we reached out goal.
Below, please click the publication icon(s) of the media outlets that you want to encourage to join our movement to dismantle injustice. An autofill email will pop up for you to tailor and send to the editorial teams of the media outlets. The text for the email is below the thumbnails.
Thank you for SAY IT LOUD with us!
To <<<The Publication Name >>>Team,
Inspired by the Dismantling Injustice Beyond the Built Environment initiative and heeding the call to action, we encourage you to commit to the SAY IT WITH-ME(dia) pledge.
The request is for media outlets who serve as the voice of this design profession including digital, print, and broadcast to make an effort in support of women and BIPOC designers; their stories, their contributions, and their mere existence in the world of design. As a designer who greatly respects your platform, we look to you as leaders in this industry with a value alignment of increasing the visibility of women and BIPOC designers in your publications.
Please click this link to learn more and sign the pledge.
If your team has questions, please contact the Beyond the Built Environment LLC Team at beyondthebuilt@gmail.com.
Their team is eager to speak with you and can further describe the commitment.
Once you commit, your publication will be featured on the BBE website, an email blast will be sent to their listserve, social media announcements will be circulated and the BBE community will be encouraged to become subscribers and to submit their work for your review and consideration.
Thank you for doing your part to fight for justice.
<<<Your Name>>>
Subscriber / Potential Subscriber
Arch Daily
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Architect's Journal
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Architects Magazine
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
The Architects Newspaper
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Architectural Digest
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Architectural Record
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
The Architectural Review
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Interior Design Magazine
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Landscape Architecture Magazine
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
Click Thumbnail to Email
Estimated Monthly Impressions
These 9 publications are investing in us, and we should invest in them, by submitting projects, work, white papers for their review and consideration. We can also subscribe to their publications.
To learn more about each see publications please click the thumbnails below.