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African American AIA Fellow
Devrouax & Purnell Architects Planners (former firm)

SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA 50th Exhibition
SAY IT LOUD - Washington DC Exhibitor

North Carolina Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?


I am inspired by the accomplishments of my students and the many young people I have mentored.



The great architect, Marshall is a former President of the AIA and NOMA and Design Principal of Devrouax & Purnell Architects Planners for 35 yrs. His projects include Washington Nationals Baseball Park, the Verizon Center, FreddieMac corporate headquarters, DC’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. He is an honorary member of architectural organizations in several countries and has lectured at numerous Universities across the US and abroad. He is a Faculty Member at NCSU for Professional Practice and design studios.


How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

I learned about architecture from a fraternity brother. I started at Michigan as an engineering student. Architecture was the only program that accepted all my credit hours. I came to appreciate architecture studying under Dr. James Chaffers, PhD.


What do you do?

Since 2014, I have taught Professional Practice and design studios in the College of Design at NCSU. I teach primarily in the graduate program but I have taught undergraduates and PhD candidates. I lecture, serve on various boards and consult.


What excites you in the work you do?

I enjoy working with young people and sharing my knowledge and experience.


Who or what inspires you professionally?

I am inspired by the accomplishments of my students and the many young people I have mentored.


What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

Having survived for thirty five years as a successful firm owner. I am also proud of the many people I worked with over that period and the twelve firms that started out of Devrouax and Purnell.



Object Three - Led the Institute, or a related organization


Year of Elevation: 



Featured Project Name: 



Featured Project Location: 

Washington, DC


Featured Project Completion Date: 



Role in Featured Project: 

Design Principal


Featured Project Description:

Designed as luxury apartments and the new corporate headquarters for United Negro College Fund, and located immediately adjacent to the historic Howard Theatre, in the Greater Shaw Historic District. This new 9-story mixed use project includes a new 175 unit apartment building, a 120K SF new office building and a full block of renovated historic retail structures on 7th Street NW between S and T Streets.


Photography Credit:

Devrouax & Purnell Architects Planners

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