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SAY IT LOUD - Illinois Exhibitor
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA 50th Exhibition

Illinois Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

Jason’s inspiration as both a designer and advocate are drawn from his team members & peers. He is constantly exploring new methodologies, technical and abstract, that will lead him towards creating stronger designs and solutions at multiple scales.


The great architectJason Pugh is a licensed Architect & Urban Designer with the Chicago Gensler office. His portfolio includes both domestic and foreign master planning and architectural projects centered on cultural connectivity, public transit, mix-use development, commercial retail, and affordable housing. Jason also has a passion for developing underserved communities & the next generation of designers via NOMA and the ACE Mentor Program, which are centered on education, mentorship, diversity & inclusion.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Jason was an accomplished visual artist at a very early age, exploring various mediums throughout his childhood education. Architecture was presented early as a appealing career option which would allow him to tap into his creative artistic skills.

What do you do?
As a licensed architect & urban designer Jason’s design portfolio includes both domestic & foreign projects, ranging from small mixed use developments to large urban in-fill master planning sites with extensive programs covering over 2,500+ acres.

What excites you in the work you do?
Jason’s favorite projects includes those which directly engage the extended community & end-users as he oscillate between the macro & micro scales progressing projects from schematic community master plans on through Construction Documents and CA.

Who or what inspires you professionally?
Jason’s inspiration as both a designer and advocate are drawn from his team members & peers. He is constantly exploring new methodologies, technical and abstract, that will lead him towards creating stronger designs and solutions at multiple scales.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Becoming a licensed architect! There is a shockingly low and disproportionate number of licensed African American architects within the profession, and more emphasis and value should be placed on licensure, both within academia and the profession.
Featured Project Name: 
Community Master Plans & Affordable Housing

Featured Project Location: 
Chicago, IL
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Project Architect & lead Urban Designer
Featured Project Description:
Despite a diverse professional resume as an Architect & Urban Planner, Jason considers himself first & foremost a designer. He enjoys opportunities to work on projects that start as incipient grassroots master plans, & lead towards physical architecture. Both Ickes & Oakwood Shores are recent master planning projects completed for the Chicago Housing Authority, and Woodlawn Station is an example of an affordable housing project that sprung from an earlier community master plan created for Woodlawn.

Photography Credit:
Woodlawn Station - Lee Bay 

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