Calpo Hom & Dong Architects
California Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My clients and their projects and sites inspire me; each one is different and unique.
Dennis Dong was born and raised in Sacramento, California, attending public schools, and the University of California, Berkeley, graduating in 1972 with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Architecture. Dennis then spent the four years in Micronesia, with the Peace Corps, returning to the States in 1976. Licensed as an Architect since 1981, he has been practicing Architecture in Northern California for over 40 years, and is a founding Principal of Calpo Hom & Dong Architects (1984).
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Through a Sacramento Architect, who took the time to share his profession with me as a youth.
What do you do?
I am an Architect. I work with the four dimensions in designing projects that are enjoyable, inspiring, and functional.
What excites you in the work you do?
Working with a project from start-to-finish, and experiencing the end result, through time and motion.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My clients and their projects and sites inspire me; each one is different and unique.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Having a client experience their new building, and acknowledge that it is ever-changing as they walk through it.
Featured Project Name:
Roseville Corporation Yard
Featured Project Location:
Roseville, California
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Architect / Lead Designer
Featured Project Description:
Roseville Corporation Yard to consolidate Public Works Departments, Vehicle Maintenance Shop, Central Stores Warehousing, and Administration Facilities. Master planned as a Campus Plan, creating Gathering Areas, while meeting functional requirements. The facilities are grouped around a Landscaped Commons Area, as a major focus to the site. Common materials utilized - Concrete, Corrugated Metal, Perforated Metal, Plaster - and common construction as Design Elements throughout the complex
Photography Credit:
Douglas Johnson /Photography
Featured Project Name:
Roseville Police Facility
Featured Project Location:
Roseville, California
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Architect / Lead Designer
Featured Project Description:
Planning and Design of new Police Facility (+/-65,000 square feet), including Administration, Patrol, Investigations, Crime Analysis, Records, Property/Evidence Storage, Emergency Operations Center, Locker and Training Rooms, Dispatch Center, Communications Tower, Firing Range, and a Type I Detention Facility with 12 Double Occupancy Cells. Originally planned as part of the Roseville Civic Center, the program was reassessed to realize a stand-alone facility on a +/-3 acre site.
Photography Credit:
Douglas Johnson /Photography
Featured Project Name:
Facilities Support Services Building
Featured Project Location:
UCD Medical center, Sacramento, California
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Architect / Lead Designer
Featured Project Description:
Planning and design of Facilities Support Services Building (+/-70,000 square feet) to support the UCD Medical Center. Facility was designed around a Three-story high Atrium Lobby, a Gathering Space for all the various Departments to meet and greet each other, as well as provide the environment for informal meetings. The intention of the Owner was to demonstrate to all Campus Departments that the Campus Palette and Common Materials could be used to create effective Design.