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ID8 Architecture

South Dakota Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

My professional inspiration stems from the blend of human experiences and architecture. Cultural diversity, sustainability, and innovative design fuel my creativity. The role of architecture in shaping communities drives me to explore and innovate.



Madison Reecy, graduate of SDSU's Accelerated Masters of Architecture Program ('23) & Bachelor of Arts ('22), now with ID8 Architecture in Brookings, SD. I thrive on the magic of project beginnings - merging client dreams with site essence, crafting designs that excite. Like a puzzle piece, I complete the bigger picture - from site plans to intricate drawings, pouring passion into every stroke of the design journey. Former real estate enthusiast, now deeply devoted to design and development.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

My introduction to architecture occurred while in the real estate profession. Here, I unearthed my passion for design, imagining desired structures for clients. Witnessing how my ideas shape the design realm ignited my passion.

What do you do?

As an architectural associate at ID8 Architecture. I assist projects in preparing site planning as well as architectural plans, details, specifications, and drawings for buildings; and perform other related duties as needed throughout projects.


What excites you in the work you do?

As a strong advocate of inception, I thrive on the exhilarating start of design - that spark of discovery and idea weaving at project kick-off. Transforming client dreams into captivating designs on paper fuels my creative drive

Who or what inspires you professionally?

My professional inspiration stems from the blend of human experiences and architecture. Cultural diversity, sustainability, and innovative design fuel my creativity. The role of architecture in shaping communities drives me to explore and innovate..

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

My first project while at Id8 Architecture, a residential lake home, stands as my greatest source of pride. Beyond the ultimate design, I cherish the growth and lessons from each project step, defining my self-accomplishment.

Featured Project Name: 

Branch Creek Housing Development

Featured Project Location: 

Brookings, SD

Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 

Project Support

Featured Project Description:

Branch Creek is a neighborhood built with a sense of community for affordable first time home buyers. It will include inclusive block composition that consist of townhouses, duplexes, and single family homes. This more "Traditional Historic" neighborhood design will reinforce an integration of socioeconomic diversity for an inclusive sense of place with all residents. Creative planning and financing strategies between the owner, the city, and SDHA programs makes it achievable for all.

Photography Credit:

ID8 Architecture

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